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Help Center
All you need to know about performing meetings and using Team O'clock.
Help Center Categories
Management interface
Meetings documentation
Planning poker
All about team management, adding topics for estimation, voting, and importing tasks from your tool of choice
Daily Standup
Learn about team management in your daily standup, starting a sync roundup, and sharing notes
How to setup your retrospective, user settings, votes, discuss to create action items, and get action items to your tool of choice
How to setup your meeting, control topics and the async discussion, generate action items
Getting Started
User Management
Learn about inviting members, assigning roles and adding in teams
Team Management
Setup a new team, setup chicken and pigs, customize team meetings
Plans and Pricing
A full FAQ on plans, monthly active users, and supported features
Integrate Team O'clock to Slack to get some very handy shortcuts
Linear app
connects Team O'clock to your Linear workspace issues
Microsoft Teams
Install a bot that will enable Daily Standup, Retrospective, and Planning Poker in your team's channel
Latest articles
The Retrospective Meeting
A retrospective can be used either by a team or any other group of people. The structure and form of this event will try to motivate all participants to contribute and engage. 1. Triggering a retrospe…
The Planning Poker Meeting
Hold Planning Poker meetings in Team O'clock for task estimation. Manage tasks, participants, and voting. Supports synchronous and asynchronous modes.
Team Management
To view all of a team's members and edit the team, click on the team on the Team overview page. From the team details page, you can add and remove members to the team, update the team's name, and cust…
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