Help Center Meetings

The Agenda Meeting

The Agenda Meeting

In Team O'clock, you can perform any meeting using the agenda meeting. This is a very powerful meeting type based on topics, that you can perform asynchronously, synchronously, or in a hybrid mode.

Starting an agenda meeting

The management interface dashboard displaying the supported meeting section. There is a circle over the plus icon in the agenda meeting card

To start an agenda meeting, visit your Team O'clock dashboard page and click on the Agenda Meeting card or the '+' icon on the Agenda Meeting card.

The meeting wizard modal of Team O'clock with the agenda meeting selected, the participants view is active where the members of the Acmes team are listed with their avatar and names. There are the Back and Next buttons at the bottom right of the modal

A popup will open where you choose the participants of the agenda meeting. Typing in the participants' input you will get suggestions for teams as well as members to add in the participants list.

When choosing a team, all team members are added as participants.

Once you have set up the participants, click the Next button.

In the next screen choose whether you want to:

  1. Create a Draft agenda meeting, that you can set up before all participants can join and contribute.

  2. Start the agenda meeting now, where all team members will be notified via email about the meeting and you will have the meeting URL to join instantly.

  3. Set up a weekly recurring agenda meeting, where the team will be notified via emails on each of the selected days for the recurring agenda meeting and a few minutes before the meeting starts. Read here to learn more about scheduling a meeting.

Your meeting will be created once you click the Finish button. In the case, you have selected to start a meeting you will see the following screen, informing you that all participants are notified via email.

Team O'clock meeting wizard informing that an agenda meeting has started successfully and that all participants will be notified via email. There is a disabled input box with the agenda meeting URL with a link to copy meeting link to share

To join the meeting you can click the Go to meeting button.

The Agenda meeting page

The meeting page layout supports both synchronous and asynchronous estimation sessions.

The agenda meeting page with a header showing the title, participants and an end meeting button. Below the header the screen is split into two areas, one for setting meeting goal and adding meeting topic, another one for adding action items

When you visit the page you will see a header displaying the meeting type, a list of team members that are currently in the meeting on the right with a button to invite more members, the End meeting button, and a three dots menu.

The main area of the page is divided into two sections:

  1. The Meeting goal and topics area, on the left for setting a specific goal for the meeting and start populating with topics

  2. The Action items area is to add and view any action items the team decided during the meeting.

To keep the agenda meeting flexible, all participants can add topics and edit the meeting goal. This flexibility is important, especially for asynchronous meetings where relevant topics might come up after an async discussion.

At the bottom of the page is a footer with options for joining a video call with your team members to discuss the meeting and a team chat, where you can exchange messages.

Visiting an agenda meeting for the first time, both areas will be empty.

Setting up your agenda meeting

To set the stage for a successful meeting you will need to define:

  1. A meeting goal, that defines the purpose and scope of the meeting, aligning all participants and topics around this goal.

  2. Relevant topics, that will assist in achieving the set goal.

Setting a meeting goal

To set a meeting goal, click on "Set your meeting goal" and type your meeting goal.

An agenda meeting goal reading Analyze incidents and improve system reliability, with the cursor on top of the text becoming a hand and a Click to Edit visible next to the meeting goal.

You can change the meeting goal at any time, to cover any emerging directions from the discussion. Depending on the meeting you are having this might be needed (e.g. a brainstorming session that goes too specific on a theme) or must be avoided (e.g. a discussion around HR improvements for the upcoming quarter). It is at the discretion of participants to safeguard or update the meeting goal to reflect the specific needs.

Managing meeting topics

There is always a visible input area for adding new topics, right below the meeting goal - if no other topics are available -, or at the very bottom of the existing topics.

The input area for adding a new topic. There is a plus icon on the left of the area with a placeholder text reading Start typing to add a new topic

To add a topic, simply click on the specific area and start typing your topic. When you're done typing your topic title press Space or click the "+" button on the left of the add topic area to add this topic at the bottom of the topics list.

Each topic is added to a separate topic card, displaying a number on the left of it. This number represents the expected discussion order for each topic. To change the order of a topic, simply click and drag that topic into its right position.

A set of 5 Agenda meeting topics. Each topic is displayed in a separate card having a number on the right of it, starting from one all the way to five.

You can edit the topic title by hovering your mouse over the topic card and clicking the Edit option on the right.

The agenda meeting topic card with options visible for editing the title, an icon to set a timer for that topic, and a down arrow to expand the topic card

ℹ️ To remove a topic, Edit the topic title, delete all the text, and press Enter.

Please keep each topic title short and to the point for easy scanning from all participants. To add more context to a topic, click anywhere on the topic card to expand it and edit the description of the topic, visible right below the topic title.

An expanded agenda meeting topic card titled Incident Overview. There is a description text below reading Provide an overview of the incident and an Edit link visible on the right of the description.

Extend with more context on the topic in the description. The description field supports markdown to give a better structure to your context. Add any external documents needed as links in the description.

Running an agenda meeting

With your meeting goal and topics set, you and the team can start the discussion.

To support all possible ways to run a meeting - async, sync, or hybrid - the Agenda Meeting offers notes for each topic. Sharing a note with important information on a topic ensures that all participants can see this information.

Using topic notes

To add a note on a topic, expand the topic card and click next to the "+" button. Notes support markdown, allowing for bigger statements and structured representation of a thought.

An expanded topic card with a multiline input for adding markdown notes. There's already some text in the input including a paragraph a header and a list. Help text below the input reads: Press Shift+Enter for new line, Enter to add note, ESC to cancel.

To add the note press Enter, or click the "+" button on the left of your note.

A note in a topic of the agenda meeting. The avatar and note message is visible, along with a star tag, the name of the member adding the note, the date that this note was added and a Reply option.

For each note added to a topic all participants can see the avatar of the member that added the note and the date this note was added by hovering on the note. Additionally, all participants have options to:

  • Add a Star to a note, to signify that they agree with the shared note.

  • Reply to a note, to continue a discussion on a specific note under a thread

  • Add a note in a thread, to continue a discussion that's happening in a thread.

Any reply notes added to a specific note, form a thread under the parent note.

A thread of two notes below a parent note. Notes in the thread have a different padding, signifying that they belong to a thread under the top-most note. One of the notes has a tag with a star icon and the number 1 next to it.

The member who added a note or a reply can edit that note by clicking on the Edit option visible when hovering over that note.

ℹ️ To delete one of your notes, Edit the note of interest, clear all the text and press Enter.

Expanding or hovering over a topic with notes you can see the total number of notes added on that topic.

Cut part of an agenda meeting showing two topic cards, where one is contracted and the other expanded. The mouse is over the contracted topic card and a pill reading 1 is visible on the corner of the topic's order. The expanded topic has a pill reading 4

Managing a topic discussion

To manage a focused discussion and resolution of a topic, the Agenda Meeting offers a set of tools. With the tools offered, you can perform both a synchronous, asynchronous, or hybrid meeting.

Request team input

Request team input, is a way to signal all participants on the Agenda Meeting page that a specific topic is of interest. Regardless of when participants join the Agenda Meeting, they will see an INPUT REQUEST badge next to the topic of interest.

A list of 2 meeting topic cards, one has a badge reading INPUT REQUEST in vivid color.

To request team input on a topic, expand the topic card and click the Request team input button. The button will stay active for as long as the specific topic has the INPUT REQUEST on.

An expanded topic card with a visible badge next to the title reading INPUT REQUEST and an active button reading Request team input.

Only one topic at a time can hold the badge for INPUT REQUEST, keeping participants focused on a single item. Clicking the Request team input button on a different topic will automatically switch the INPUT REQUEST badge to the current topic

To remove an active INPUT REQUEST, click the Request team input button again.

Set a topic timer

You can use the set timer option to timebox the discussion on a specific topic. The set timer option acts as an indicator of the expected time to spend on the topic.

To set a timer for a topic, hover over the topic card and click on the timer button visible on the right of the title, right before the expand|contract icon.

The agenda meeting topic card with options visible for editing the title, an icon to set a timer for that topic, and a down arrow to expand the topic card

Clicking the button you will see a dropdown with a timer input to set the exact minutes for the topic.

View of a dropdown right below a button with a timer icon in a topic card. In the dropdown there is an input to type minutes for the timer and a button reading set timer.

When you are done setting the timer either press Enter or click the Set timer button to add the timer to the topic.

A topic with a timer will display the remaining timer to all participants entering the Agenda Meeting page. Hovering over the timer displayed, you can see the exact remaining time.

An agenda meeting topic card contracted with a timer set for 4 hours. There is a badge displaying 4h and a tooltip over showing the exact remaining time.

ℹ️ In case of an async meeting, use this setting and add more than 1440 minutes (which is a full day). Here are some helping values:

  • 1 day, 1440 minutes

  • 1,5 days, 2160 minutes

  • 2 days, 2880 minutes

  • 3 days, 4320 minutes

To remove a set timer for a topic, click on the timer to view the dropdown and click the Remove/Clear timer option.

A dropdown below the timer on an agenda card. The timer is set to 240 minutes and there are options to Set timer and Remove/Clear timer.

Complete a topic

To signal that a topic is fully covered, you can mark a topic as Complete. A completed topic has a checkmark icon and its title is displayed in strike-through in the topic card.

A topic card, with a green checkmark before the topic title and the topic title letters being strike-through

To mark a topic as completed, expand the topic card and hover over that card to see and click the Complete topic option at the bottom left of the card.

An expanded topic card in the Agenda meeting interface, two options are visible on the bottom left of the card, one being Request team input as a button, and a link to Complete topic

Topics that are marked as completed, block the addition of more notes to keep the meeting moving forward.

To reopen a complete topic, expand the card and click the Open topic that replaced the Complete topic option at the bottom left corner.

Using action items

At any point during the meeting, you can add action items. To do that click the Add action item button at the top of the right side of the screen.

The right side of the agenda meeting interface, with an Add action item pressed and an input visible right below to type the action item. There is a plus icon to add the action item, instructions below inform on using Enter to add or ESC to cancel action

You can also assign a participant as responsible for carrying out a specific action item. To do that, hover over an action item you added, and click on the link displayed in the bottom left corner of the action item.

An action item visible with a dropdown next to a text reading Assign to team, showing the list of participants

Completing the Agenda Meeting

When you are done discussing your topics and setting action items you can click the End meeting button to complete the Agenda Meeting.

When the meeting finishes, all participants will receive an email containing the decided action items, and the topics discussed.

With AI-Assist enabled, you will also get a summary of your retrospective in the received email as well as in the Agenda Meeting analysis on your Timeline.

Action items and integrations

The person who clicks End meeting will see an extra summary screen. This screen is available if you have an active integration that allows you to turn action items into tasks or issues in your third-party service.

The agenda meeting summary screen, displaying a table with participants, sentinment and duration of the meeting. There is a table with integrations buttons for Jira,Linear,Asana,Basecamp. There is a list of action items containing only one

Hover over an action item and click on the checkbox at the left to select it. Then click on the respecting integration button to import selected action items to the integration of choice.

Modal for adding an action items as Linear issue, there is an input to type the Linear team the issue will work on and a preview of the Linear issue with the title of the action item

In case there is no need for an import, click the Close button, located on the right side of the action items card, to exit this view.

Additional options

Choose a preset activity

You can populate your Agenda Meeting with topics from a list of preset activities:

  • If you just started an empty Agenda Meeting you will see a Choose preset activity button right below the Meeting goal and above the input for adding your custom topic.

  • If you have already populated your meeting with custom topics, you can find the Choose preset activity option in the dropdown menu on the three dots options at the far right of the header interface.

Preset activities cover some basic use cases of the Agenda Meeting, that you can use either as a starting point for editing/adjusting your topic or use as is.

Modal of preset activities for the Agenda meeting holding ideas for 1-on-1, Product Development Meeting, Post Mortem, Marketing team and HR team meetings and more

You can search the available meetings either using the quick filters on top or using the search field above the meeting presets.

When you find a meeting of interest, click on it to see more details about its meeting goal, topics, and description. Click the Apply changes button to populate your Agenda Meeting with the specific goal and topics.

Agenda meeting checklist

At the bottom of the topics list and below the input for the new topic, you will see a checklist that is updated as the meeting progresses. This is a reminder of actions that need to happen to consider an agenda meeting successful.

A static text informing about securing 10 minutes in the meeting to check: if meeting goal is achieved, to review the resolution or progress of meeting topics, review and assign the decided action items, and plan a follow-up on progress

Make sure to secure time in the meeting to review the suggested bullet points.

Setting or changing video call URL

To use a video conference with your remotees you can set up a Video Call Link from the options dropdown on the left of the main button.

This input is available to all your team members and anyone can set up the Video Call URL. You can type and use any video service you are already using.

To access the setup Video Call URL use the link displayed in the middle on the bottom of the page.

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