Guide for successful online retrospective with your remote team, synchronously or async
This page is a generic guide on performing a successful online retrospective using Team O'clock.
The first step into a successful outcome is knowing when to perform a retrospective. Usually a retrospective is held when a defined increment of work, or cycle of work has just been completed.
The most usual and suggested timeframe for a retrospective is to perform a meeting every 2 weeks with the team you are working the most on a daily basis.
Click to check out some suggested times to perform a retrospective.
To trigger an online retrospective with Team O'clock you can:
When the retrospective is set, your team is notified and everyone can enter the retrospective page.
Read more on Triggering and setting up the retrospective.
After the meeting has started, by clicking the Start button on the top right corner, all team members will view the selected activity retrospective board on their screens.
While on this page the first thing that needs to be done is onboard all team members on the activity by providing context for:
Checkout the proper onboarding for the Start Stop Continue retrospective activity.
Team O'clock assists the team into having a well structured online retrospective, leading towards outcome, by having distinct steps during the retrospective:
Your team can choose to have a synchronous or asynchronous retrospective meeting depending on your availability and timezones overlapping.
The true power of the online retrospective lies on following up with the action items the team has set. This means that your team's work has just started after the retrospective meeting is over!
Action on the items your team has concluded brings out the true power of this recurring activity. When the team acknowledges a successful action items, everyone feels stronger and empowered for more.
Read on action items.
Use the right tools to keep accelerating towards valuable outcomes, and team happiness.
Frequenty asked questions
Choose the right timing for the retrospective, frame the discussion and onboard the team to the selected activity.
Follow the structure of the meeting, be respectful to your colleagues, focus on the selected outcome for the meeting.
Decide on action items and follow up with decisions and actions towards a conclusion.
"Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success."
Henry Ford