Help Center Management interface

Customizing your Organization Features

Customizing your Organization Features

Settings of an organization with options for Company name, use of AI-Assist, mood metrics collection, auto-join for integrations, allow members to invite others, visibility to all timeline for admins and managers, and API key for the organization

Organization administrators have access to the settings page.

From this page administrators can:

  1. Change the organization name and displayed icon

  2. Allow AI-Assist suggestions when conducting meetings, read more about AI-Assist.

  3. Control of users can auto-join through Slack or MS Teams integrations

  4. Set whether you want to collect mood metrics daily or weekly.

  5. Allow visibility in all teams' timeline entries to administrators and managers.

  6. Access the provided API key to integrate with an external tool or third-party plugin.

Any other feature customizations are working on a team level so you will find these options in the respecting documentation pages.

On this page, you will also find the option to delete your organization.

⚠️ By deleting the organization you will also delete all members and meeting information stored under this organization.

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