Agility Cards

Agility Cards offer a way to promote and reward good agility practices for your teams.

View of metrics related to agility cards, showing the cards, the number of cards owned, and grayed out the cards that are not owned

You can access Agility Cards from your Dashboard, or the Metrics page.

On the Agility Cards page, you can see listed all the possible cards your team can get, as well as a filter to view cards for a specific team.

Agility Cards that no team has acquired yet are displayed greyed out.

Agility Cards that a team has acquired are displayed colored with a number indicating how many cards are acquired from teams.

You can click on any card, acquired or not, to see more details on what the team should do to acquire this card and how that card relates to good agile practices.

The estimation presence card interface saying that

Members of a company can see Agility Cards relating to teams they belong to. Only Administrators and Moderators can see Agility Cards for all teams.

Viewing a specific team's cards

You can use the team filter on the top right of the Agility Cards interface to see cards acquired by a specific team.

Screenshot of agility cards interface with the team filter dropdown visible. There is a search input for teams and all teams listed in the dropdown.

With a team selected, you see listed the Agility Cards that the specific team has acquired.

You can clear the team filter by selecting the option 'All my teams'.

Acquiring an Agility Card

A team performing a meeting in Team O'clock will automatically get an Agility Card when a milestone is met.

A modal congratulating a team for achieving a milestone by offering an Agility card

Agility Cards are acquired at the end of a meeting. A modal is automatically opening displaying the acquired card to all the team.

Cards grouping and themes

Agility Cards are split into 3 groups based on the meeting and habits a team should follow to acquire them. These groups are:

  1. Planning Poker Cards relating to actions and team performance when holding a Planning Poker session.

  2. Retrospective Cards relating to actions and team behavior during a Retrospective.

  3. Daily Standup Cards related to team actions and behavior during Daily Standup.

The purpose of Agility Cards is to reward good agility practices in time, so there are sets of cards that reward continuous good habits for the periods of week, month, and quarter.

Additionally, each Agility Card falls under a specific theme related to developed team skills. These skills focus on team behaviors and not single-member behaviors, showcasing team growth. The themes currently available are:

  • Habit, reflecting a team habit that supports good agility practices

  • Growth/Development, showcasing a team tendency to improve as a group

  • Resolve/Find a solution, to display the team's drive for a resolution

  • Participation, to showcase team participation by all members in agility meetings.

  • Period of time, to reflect the team's respect for time limits and timeboxing.

Agility Cards and themes are built to reward persistence and consistency of team behavior during agile meetings.

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