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Agility Cards explanation

Agility Cards explanation

Agility Cards promote good team habits. What follows is an overview of each Agility Card currently in Team O'clock.

Retrospective Agility Cards

Team Introspection

This card is rewarded if the team performs 2 retrospectives in 4 weeks. The reward is promoting good team habits on retrospection and in getting better. Having 2 retrospectives in 4 weeks aligns with having a retrospective right after a two-week sprint which is the most common case for a team performing agile.

Introspect quarterly

Card rewarded to a team that performed at least 4 retrospectives in a quarter. This indicates that the team is deliberate on getting better and keeps on building the habit of introspection. Performing 4 retrospectives in a quarter means that the team has performed at least one retrospective per month.

Team Health

The card is rewarded when the team has created at least 2 new action items during a retrospective in 4 weeks. This is an indicator of team interest in improving their processes. Taking into account the feasibility of action items, this number is low to promote progressive and continuous improvements instead of spikes of many action items that will deplete the team.

Healthy Team

Card rewarded after a team has created at least 4 action items during retrospectives in the last quarter. It's an indicator that the team is identifying areas for improvement in their processes. This card promotes the habit of consistency in team improvement for a longer period of 3 months, a quarter.

Actionable Growth

The card is rewarded after a team has resolved at least 2 action items in the last 8 weeks. This is an indicator that the team is taking action to improve some of the internal processes. Moving past setting team growth goals, this card promotes taking action on the goals set through action items.

Team Transformation

This card rewards the team that resolved at least 4 action items in the last quarter. That's an indicator that the team is consistently improving internal processes, and going through a transformation.

Team Safety

Card rewarded when all members added at least 4 notes in a retrospective session in the last month. Members are sharing their thoughts openly with the whole team. This card promotes communication openness and participation.

Team Openness

Card rewarded when all members share notes during retrospectives for a quarter. Members understand the value they offer to the team by openly sharing their thoughts.

Daily Standup Agility Cards

Weekly Habit

This card is rewarded to teams that performed more than 2 daily standups in a week. That's an indicator that the team has started building a sound habit around team collaboration and alignment.

Monthly Habit

This card is rewarded after a team gets two consecutive Weekly Habit Agility Cards. This means that the team has consistently performed at least 2 daily standups in the last 2 weeks. That's an indicator that the team is establishing a habit leading to collaboration and alignment.

Quarterly Habit

This card is rewarded after a team gets two consecutive Monthly Habit Agility Cards, meaning that the team has consistently performed Daily Standups for the last 2 months. This is an indicator that the Daily standup is a built-in habit. Team alignment and collaboration are established.

+60% Engaged

This card is rewarded when at least 60% of the team is present during a Daily Standup. Participation in this case means that members either add notes in an asynchronous standup or spend time sharing their updates during a synchronous standup. The card promotes openness, communication, and participation.

Monthly Engaged

This card is rewarded to teams after getting two consecutive +60% Engaged Agility Cards. Essentially this means that the majority of team members consistently participated in daily standups for at least two weeks in a month. That's an indicator that team members are starting to feel comfortable to speak and share their updates with other team members.

Quarterly Engaged

The card is rewarded to teams that got two consecutive Monthly Engaged Agility Cards, meaning that team members are consistently participating in Daily Standups for the most part of a quarter. That's an indicator that team members consistently engage in their daily standups, sharing progress and impediments.

Manage Time

This card rewards proper timeboxing in the Daily Standup. It is rewarded if a team completes a Daily Standup within the assigned period for the standup. That's an indicator that the team is mindful of sharing the right amount of information during the Daily Standup.

Monthly Precision

The card is rewarded to teams that get at least two Manage Time Agility Cards in four weeks. That's an indicator that the team has been consistent in sharing the right amount of information for a Daily Standup.

Quarterly Precision

The card is rewarded to teams that got at least two Monthly Precision Agility Cards in 3 months. This means that the team has performed daily standups within the expected duration for at least two months in a row. That's an indicator that the team has owned the right amount of information to share during a daily standup.

Planning Poker Cards

Estimation Habit

This card is rewarded to teams that estimated more than 8 tasks during the last month. This means that members understand the value of syncing and alignment before starting the work on a task.

Estimation Consistency

This card is rewarded to teams that got at least two Estimation Habit Agility Cards in 3 months. This means that the team has consistently estimated tasks in the last three months. Essentially, the team is building a habit of discussing the tasks before starting the actual work.

Estimation Presence

This card is rewarded when at least 60% of a team participates in voting during an estimation session within a week. That's an indicator that the majority of the team benefits from estimation alignment. Additionally, there is an interest in figuring out estimation as a team.

A Sharing Team

This card is rewarded to teams that got at least 3 Estimation Presence Agility Cards within a month. This means that most team members share task estimations during the last month. Essentially, there is interest in figuring out estimation as a team.

Estimation Engagement

This card is rewarded to teams that get 3 Sharing Team Agility Cards within a quarter. This means that the team is consistent in estimation participation. That's an indicator that the team is actively engaged in task estimation, eliminating ambiguity.

Task Work Agreement

This card is rewarded when task estimations by team members are mostly aligned on a planning poker session. That's an indicator that members are improving their effort estimation skillset as a whole. Essentially, knowledge is shared across all members.

Estimation Alignment

This card is rewarded when team members are aligned over task estimation votes in a month. That's an indicator that members have improved their alignment skillset, acting in sync.

Alignment Masters

This card is rewarded after a team gets at least two consecutive Estimation Alignment Agility Cards in three months. This means that task estimation votes are similar across the team for three months in a row. That's an indicator that team members share a common understanding for the complexity and effort for any incoming task.

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