Online Planning poker estimations for remote teams.
Avoid uncertainty and rabbit-holes on your next big thing.
Add tasks from your favorite backlog management tool,
have an online estimation session where your team works.
Choose from default presets like Fibonacci, T-shirt, Five Fingers
or set your custom estimation technique.
Rock your Product Owner mojo.
Each team member adds their votes asynchronously, at their own pace, for all the tasks you want to estimate.
See what everyone has voted, how estimations align for the whole team, and revote tasks as new intel is shared. Clarity FTW!
A holistic approach to remote team collaboration that takes into account the modern reality of work.
Use an icebreaker question to engage more with your team. Get random suggestions or create your own.
Check in your team's mood while in an estimation session, monitor the team mood pulse in metrics, take action to improve.
Have AI-Assist highlight similar estimates from previous tasks and breakdown large estimated tasks for you.
Reward good agility practices and habits by earning Agility Cards whenever your remote team completes a session.
Checkout our free book on Remote Scrum, based on experiences of our customers and ourselves.
Read on how to perform Retrospective, Daily Scrum, and Backlog Refinement rituals with remote teams.
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