good agile practices

Your team gets agility cards,
when following good habits and practices performing agile meetings.

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Teams gets the achievement in their meeting.
Everybody understands what the team did to earn the reward.

Your team meeting is complete!
Daily standup agility card Bravo team!

You just earned an agility card 🎉
You performed more than 2 daily standups in a week. You start building a sound habit around team collaboration and alignment!
Retrospective agility card Bravo team!

You just earned an agility card 🎉
Created at least 2 action items during your retrospective in a period of 4 weeks. Team shows an interest into improving their processes.

Review all your company cards,
filter out your team cards
and check the habit missing to earn more.

Agility cards

Meetings optimized for remote team efficiency and flexibility

Increase remote team collaboration with online lean tools that perfectly complement your current work reality.

Task estimation session interface

Perform asynchronous or synchronous estimation sessions with your remote team, at your own pace.

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Retrospective session interface

Have structured retrospectives with your remote team, keep honest, focus on your notes and action items.

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Async daily standup session interface

Have your daily check-ins and standups async, perform a synchronous roundup if the remote team needs too.

Learn more

Remote Scrum Guide Book

Working with Scrum on a remote setting?

Checkout our free book on Remote Scrum, based on experiences of our customers and ourselves.

Read on how to perform Retrospective, Daily Scrum, and Backlog Refinement rituals with remote teams.

Read more