Retrospective Activity
Playful Seasonal Medium Popularity: 1
This activity:
This is a festive futurespective activity, themed for Christmas and new Year. Introduce the activity by saying that participants are kids expecting their gifts from the Santa. Under this theme ask each member to share what they expect Santa to bring in the new year, who would help into making this gift a reality, and what are the blockers standing in the way.
For the specific activity, the facilitator could use these points to describe the process:
Use this activity to capture team desires and troubling thoughts for the year ahead.
Try to add some role-playing in the notes added by making analogies with Christmas fables, e.g. 'Rudolf: Scrum master is our guiding light!
The "Santa Claus is coming!" activity is rarely used among Team O'clock teams. It seems that only a few teams use this activity for their retrospectives.
Playful Seasonal Medium
Achievements you wish we accomplish as a team in the new year
Things and people enabling a better year ahead for our team
Possible obstacles blocking team into achieving our goals